Tuesday, March 9, 2010

renewing my mind

i do not want to be simple-minded.
i do not want to delight in scoffing and ridicule.
i do not want to despise the truth.

i want to turn at wisdom's reproof.
i want the spirit of wisdom to be poured out on me.
i want words of wisdom to be revealed to me.

i do not want to refuse the call of wisdom,
nor do i want to ignore wisdom's invitation.

i do not want to neglect any wise counsel;
i want to value wise reproof.

i do not want wisdom to laugh at my calamity,
to mock my fears, distresses, and anguish.
i do not want wisdom to ignore me when i call;
i want her to hear me.

i want to accept wise counsel,
even if it includes disapproval.

i do not want to have my own way,
but rather i want wisdom's way.
i do not want to be killed by my waywardness
or destroyed by my complacency.
i want to be attentive to wisdom
so that i can live securely
and be free from the dread of evil.

(a response to proverbs 1.22-33)

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