Thursday, October 11, 2012

the council of friends

I asked a group of my friends together for a council on what is the mental burden that most weighs us down, crippling our ability to think and act productively.

I had two-fold motivation in gathering this council.  First, I was growing increasingly aware through a series of articles on the {in}courage that I was in need of integrating in a community.  Second, the thought-provoking Bloom book club selection currently is a book by Jen Hatfield titled 7.  The book is about reducing the excess in our lives to make more room for God and others.  The impetus to blog about this topic came from The Nester's 31 day challenge for October.  As you can see, I'm a little late, but I'm hoping to complete 31 blog posts even if I don't make the 31 days.  :)

I invited friends whom I trusted to be honest and kindly and whom I perceive as seekers of Truth.  When I began the discussion with my council of friends, I assumed maybe anxiety or fear would be our topic, since it can be a big one for me.  However the overwhelming response was that preoccupation with guilt burdens our thoughts and emotions.

So I began my inquiries.  My goal is to understand God's mind and heart about our guilt.  The resources are prayer, scripture, meditation, and the wisdom that can be gleaned from those who are further along this path than I am.

So.  I'm looking forward to growing through both the highs and lows of this adventure from guilt to grace.

1 comment:

The Imperfect Sojourner said...

Oh I love this!! I will look forward to the posts and will take the journey with you... I struggle also with guilt and often see it as a direct cause or at least linked to a lot of my anxiety... fear of failure and so on!

Love ya x